Friday 25 September 2015


I've chosen to photograph cookies and biscuits because I think that they look good on photos and are quite easy to photograph. I have bought three different types of cookies and biscuits and decided to photograph them separately and together as a mixture to make them look unique and interesting. 

This a a photo of biscuits still in a tray, I decided to use dim lighting to expose the shadows and make everything look less bright. I like this photo because only first biscuit is in focus, the rest is blurry. It gives an impression of the depth of field. I really like some of the details like loads of sugar all over biscuits. The only thing I would change would be the background because you can see some darker colours at the top of the image which is a little bit distracting.

This is a photo of some of my cookies. I decided to arrange it differently by putting them on a metal tray and pretending that I was putting them in the oven. I asked my friend to help me with it. I had to use flash so the image is really bright and the tray reflected some of the light. I like this photo but I don't think it's the best one. Next time I would use different lighting instead of a flash.

I decided to take this photo because I liked the way you can see cookies' reflection in the tray and the way all the crumbs look in between the cookies. I think it's eye catching and I like that only one cookie is in focus. If I could improve it I would probably use more cookies and crumbs.

This is a photo of oreo biscuits and cookies mashed up all together. I think it looks quite cool and different which makes it eye catching and interesting. I like the way stuff in front is blurry and only things in the middle are clear. The only thing I would change is the way oreos look, I would break them without destroying them.

This one is similar to the previous one but the difference is that everything but the background is in focus. I like that you can see the "oreo" on some of the biscuits. I prefer this one because you can see all the details and it doesn't look that messy. I would only change the angle.

I like this image because all the pieces are in focus and big biscuits are blurry but you can still see the shape of them. I think previous one and this one are one of my favourite images. The only thing I would improve is the quality of it.

This is a photo of biscuits I bought for this photoshoot. I was trying to use different techniques and experimenting with everything, that's why I focused on the packaging instead of the biscuits. I dont like how the light reflects on the packaging. I could change that by putting it in a different place or position.

This is a similar photo but this time I focused on the biscuits instead of the packaging. I really like it because it looks like a real advert and you can see everything you should see, nothing more than that. The only thing I would try to change is the colour of the white cloth on the table because it's different than the background so it doesnt look that good.

This is a photo of  7 biscuits and a packaging. I like the way biscuits are laid out and the way the packaging blends in with the background. I think it's a good image but it's probably a bit too bright.