Friday 22 January 2016

Final Evaluation

Overall I think this project was a hard but still quite an enjoyable one. I struggled to complete it as I had problems with work as well as family problems. I tried my best to get it completed before deadline but I found it very stressful and I could not concentrate on it at all because of other things going on in  my life.

If I had a chance to start this project again, from the scratch, I'm sure I would be able to give it my 100 % and make it better than it is now. I'm not too happy about the come out that's why I will try my best to do better in the next project,

It was quite a long project but because it was over Christmas and New Years Eve break, it felt like we didn't have as much time to complete everything. I think I personally prefer shorter projects that require me focusing on one task for a short period of time and finishing everything within maximum two weeks.

During the project I've learned some more stuff about taking photographs of glass and I improved my darkroom skills. To edit my photos I didn't have a chance to use PhotoShop so I used different softwares on my laptop to manipulate my photos of glass. I think it worked quite good and doesn't look any worse than when I do it in PhotoShop but because of that I didn't have a chance to improve my skills and I didn't learn how to use PhotoShop to manipulate photos properly.

Thursday 21 January 2016


 To create this image, I used the mirror effect but I used it twice that's why the image has 4 "sides". I also changed the saturation, brightness and exposure. I like it because it's a good example of image manipulation. It was also my first time doing it so I was just trying new things.

This is a photo of a glass with beer in it. I decided to use similar effects as in the first one because I thought it looked good. The only thing I did differently is, I've used a filter and in the first one I didn't. I like the way the liquid is a little bit blurry but the rest is very clear.

This one is my favourite as it's very abstract and unusual. To edit all the photos I used the same editing tool so they seem very similar but I tried to make each one a little bit different. I like it because it looks manipulated but at the same time it's still very beautiful and interesting.

Pro Am

Pro Am is a very popular professional photo lab which provides high quality prints for everyone, from students and keen amateurs to professional photographers.
They provide a wide range of services like a traditional 'print from film' and providing prints from digital format.

Pro Am prices are very low and competitive but the prints are still the best quality possible.
It doesn't matter how many prints you order, the price won't change as well as the time needed to get your prints delivered to you.
The service is very fast, efficient and reliable.
I've used Pro Am myself and I would recommend it to everyone as they really provide high quality prints and are always nice and helpful.
Exc. VATInc. VAT

5" x 3.5"
12.7 x 8.9 cm

5" x 4"
12.7 x 10.2 cm

5" x 5"
12.7 x 12.7 cm

6" x 4"
15.3 x 10.2 cm

6" x 6"
15.3 x 15.3 cm

7" x 5"
17.8 x 12.7 cm

7.5" x 5"
19.1 x 12.7 cm

8" x 6"
20.3 x 15.3 cm

8" x 8
20.3 x 20.3 cm 

9" x 6"
22.9 x 15.3 cm

9" x 9"
22.9 x 22.9 cm

10" x 7"
25.4 x 17.8 cm

10" x 8"
25.4 x 20.3 cm

10" x 10"
25.4 x 25.4 cm

11" x 11" *
27.9 x 27.9 cm

12" x 8"
30.5 x 20.3 cm

12" x 9"
30.5 x 22.9 cm

12" x 10"
30.5 x 25.4 cm

12" x 12"
30.5 x 30.5 cm

14" x 10"
35.6 x 25.4 cm

14" x 11" *
35.6 x 27.9 cm

15" x 10"
38.1 x 25.4

16" x 12"
40.6 x 30.5

18" x 12"
45.7 x 30.5

A4 **50p

A3  *96p£1.15

Thursday 7 January 2016



I've planned on doing my photoshoot in Bradford. I picked a few different locations as well as some objects that reflect the names of the albums that I've picked. 

I want to photograph a piece of building and a wall, a destroyed wall and a drink with cream in it. I wanna use some artificial lighting to help me improve my images. 
I will also use different angles. Two of my photos will be taken outside and one of them inside. I will take all my photos during the day and it shouldn't take too long. 
I will have to buy a drink with cream in it so it should cost about £3 for a whole photoshoot.