Thursday 24 March 2016

Exposure meters

Light meter is a device used to measure the amount of light. It's often used to determine the proper exposure for the photograph. It helps people to determine which shutter speed and f-number should be selected.
  • The camera's reflective light meter tries to make all scenes come out averaging about middle gray tone. This is often about correct, because "average" scenes normally do contain a wide mix of light and dark colored areas which do average out about middle tone overall. But there are also many exceptions.

High/Low Key

High Key and Low Key lighting are very different but similar at the same time. They both create a lot of contrast. High key images are considered happy and show off every detail of a model or a subject. Low key on the other hand is considered very dramatic and creates a lot of atmosphere and tension. When you look at a High key picture you will notice that it's very bright and lacks shadows.
Low key's tone is darker and there will be lots of dark areas in the picture and contrast will be very noticeable.


Lighting equipment divides into 3 main categories; the light sources, the holders and things that control the spread of the light. ,  Most lights, regardless of the brand or model, provide heads that come in the form of a strobe surrounded by a reflector. Most strobe lights allow you to completely remove the reflector and attach different kinds of light modifiers.
The most popular types of light modifiers are umbrellas and softboxes. Reflecting umbrellas produce a diffused and soft lighting. The strobe light faces different way than a model or a subject.
Softboxes come in different shape and sizes. Light coming from a strobe head gets reflected inside the softbox and gets diffused through the translucent front. It creates a soft lighting but it's more focused on the model or a subject. Some other tools that control that control and modify the quality of light are barn doors, snoots and honeycomb grids.

Friday 18 March 2016

Fashion Photography

Fashion Photography is a type of photography that focuses on displaying clothing and other fashion items. It is usually used to sell lifestyle and show people the newest trends. It's a very interesting type of photography because it focuses mainly on one thing so it doesn't matter where the photos have been taken, they will still qualify as fashion images. It can be a studio or it can be on location. Both of them are going to represent the same thing but with a different impact. Fashion photography is usually used in advertisements and magazines like Vogue, Vanity Fair or Elle.

Fashion photography has been around since the earliest days of photography. From as early as 1840s, actresses, dancers and all the people interested in art and artistic world posed in their attire for portrait photographers, just like they would pose for portrait painters back in the day.

Mario Testino
Peruvian fashion and portrait photographer who worked for many famous magazines such as Vogue, V Magazine, Vanity Fair and GQ and brands such as Gucci, Burberry, Versace and Chanel. He's more of a studio photographer but works on location too.

  Low Key lighting used to create this image creates a mysterious mood and the pose and look on model's face make it all look a little bit scary. I think people focus more on the model's face than her clothes which is not that good when it comes to fashion photography.

Two photos taken by Mario Testino for Gucci. He used High Key lighting. Both photos are different and unique. Ones been taken in studio and the other one on location as you can see the grass outside.
I think both photos show fashion in a good way and it's the main thing Mario was focused on.

Annie Leibovitz
Considered one of the America's best portrait photographers. She has worked for many magazines such as Vanity Fair, Vogue and Rolling Stone. She photographed many famous people and she's also shot timeless nude embrace shot of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

I picked two photos taken by Annie. She used both high key and low key. One photo is a lot older than the other so the quality of each one of them is different. I really like the photo she's taken for a magazine because it's very fashion orientated. The one with John Lennon is more unusual and artistic.

Edward Steichen 
was an American photographer, painter and art gallery and museum curator. He was the most frequently featured photographer in Camera Work and Art et Decoration magazines.He also worked for Vanity Fair and Vogue.

Here are two photos taken by Edward. He used low key lighting for both which creates this mysterious and classy look. I think they are very well composed and the light played a big role in creating them.

Seeberger brothers
known for being the first ones in fashion photography industry. They created many beautiful photographs of women and fashion in many different location which have been used in many magazines. They worked with many designers such as Chanel, Herms and Madeleine Vionnet.


I picked two photos that I found very interesting. One is quite unusual as it concentrates on kids fashion. It's a very cute photo. They mainly shot on location which means that the lighting was usually good and helped to create good quality images. They also had an eye for good composition.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Photo shoot ideas

Subject:  I'm going to photograph 4 to 5 models. 2 girls and 3 boys would be perfect for my project. They will have to be teenagers as I'm doing TeenVogue magazine cover. 
Props/Items: I will need a lot of clothes so my models can get changed and pose in different outfits and with different accessories. I will bring my own clothes but I will also ask people to bring their own.
Models: my models will have to arrive at least 30 minutes before the shoot. Models will have to help each other with getting changed as well as make-up while I'm busy taking photos.
 Lighting: I will mainly use High key lighting but I will also try to experiment with low key. High key it's just what I prefer and I think it's good for a magazine cover. I'm going to use soft box, beauty dish and a lot of basic equipment.
Cost: It will probably cost me around £5 as I'm going to get a few accessories.